AFS MOTILITY COURSEThe 2024 Motility Course will feature a full day of hands on education in esophageal function testing. Acquisition, editing, interpretation and application of esophageal motility studies will be reviewed. We will cover topics related to the “who” “how” “when” and “what’s next” taught by national esophageal experts. Full agenda available soon! FLIP CourseSunday morning will feature a special course dedicated to the burgeoning role of the functional luminal imaging probe (FLIP) in esophageal evaluations. Attendees will learn how to perform FLIP assessments for esophageal motility as well as a variety of other indications. National experts, both from gastroenterology and surgical disciplines, will also review a mix of complex cases involving FLIP and this will demonstrate how the technology can be utilized effectively in clinical practice. Full agenda available soon! |