
Letter to Insurance carriers regarding updating policies on Esoguard test as a covered service.

Click here to download.

AFS announces a new endoscopic classification of the esophagogastric junction

Click here to download.

AFS Bariatric Committee response to combined bariatric procedures and MSA.

Click here to download.

Letter to Insurance carriers regarding: Insurance coverage for the LINX® Reflux Management System procedure for gastroesophageal reflux disease.

Click here to download.

AFS COVID-19 Recommendations for Triage of Foregut Patients Needing Surgical Procedures

Click here to download.

What is a foregut surgeon?

Click here to download.

American Foregut Society Statement on Appropriate Patient Selection and Use of Magnetic Sphincter Augmentation (LINX).

Click here to read more about patient selection for LINX patients.

AFS position paper on CLE

Click here to read more about Confocal Laser Endomicroscopy

TIF Positive Coverage Letter to Payors

Click here to read the AFS’s statement to payors regarding TIF procedure

Wide Area Transepithelial Sampling with Computer Assisted 3D Analysis (WATS3D)

Click here to read more about the WATS3D technology.

Stretta Support Letter

Click here to read more about Dr George Triadafilopoulos’ the AFS’s statement regarding Stretta

If you have any questions, please contact us.